” Why is crossword puzzle a wager transaction and not a game of skill “? Particular skill of vocabulary knowledge and intellect is being used here ?!
When is crossword puzzle considered as Wager?
Crossword puzzles in which prizes depend upon the correspondence of the competitor’s solution with a previously prepared solution kept with the editor of a newspaper is a lottery and therefore, a wagering transaction. This means that if the editor is randomly selecting the winners (i.e not on the basis of the quality of answers, skill of writing, drawing etc) then it is wager
When is crossword puzzle not treated as wager?
Crossword puzzles, picture competitions and athletic competitions where prizes are awarded on the basis of skill and intelligence are the games of skill and hence such competitions are valid. For eg. prizes are based on the best essay written, best picture puzzle, then it is not wager as the prize is based on skill.
According to the Prize Competition Act, 1955 prize competition in games of skill are not wagers provided the prize money does not exceed ₹1,000. If the prize money exceeds ₹1,000, then it is wager.Â