

Section 143(1) provided that Every auditor can access at all times to the books of accounts, vouchers and seek such information and explanation from the company and enquire such matters as he considers necessary, including the matters specified in sub-Clauses (a) to (f).

It is the duty of every auditor to make proper enquiry regarding these matters, besides other matters and if he is satisfied, it is not necessary to disclose this fact in his report. However, on enquiry, if he finds some adverse features, it is his duty to report the same.

Specific enquiries to be made by the auditor under this sub-Section are as under–

a) Loans and Advances made by the Company

Auditor shall inquire into “whether loans and advances made by the company on the basis of security have been properly secured and whether the terms on which they have been made are not prejudicial to the interest of the company or its members.” It is applicable to all loans and advances made on the basis of security. The auditor should verify that the security held against the loans and advances made by the company are legally enforceable and also ascertain the valuation of securities to see whether the loan is fully secured or partly secured.

b) Transactions represented by book entries

Auditor is required to inquire “whether the transactions of the company which are represented merely by book entries are not prejudicial to the interests of the company”. He should verify the all book entry transactions and determine whether such transactions have actually taken place and are not prejudicial to the interest of the company.

c) Sale of investments

Auditor should inquire, “whether so much of the assets of the company (except an investment company or a banking company) as consists of shares, debentures and other securities, have been sold at a price less than that at which they were purchased by the company”. Auditor must verify the cases where securities are sold at a price less than their cost of acquisition and if he finds that such sale is bona fide and the price realised is considered to be reasonable, having regards to the circumstances of each case, no further reporting is required.

d) Loans and Advances shown as deposits

Auditor must verify “whether loans and advances made by the company have been shown as deposits”. The auditor must inquire in respect of all the deposits shown by the company and satisfy himself that the loans and advances have not been shown as deposits.

e) Charging of Personal expenses to revenue account

Auditor should inquire as to “whether personal expenses have been charged to revenue account”. Auditor must ensure that no personal expenses of directors and officers of the company have been charged to revenue account.

f) Allotment of shares for cash

Auditor should inquire as to “whether cash has actually been received in respect of shares stated to have been allotted for cash and if no cash has actually been so received, whether the position as stated in the account books and balance sheet is correct, regular and not misleading”. In this connection, auditor must ensure in respect of shares allotted in cash by the company that cash has actually been received in respect of such allotment by the company.

He should verify and report the cases where cash was not received and that the position, as stated in books of accounts and balance sheet, is correct, regular and not misleading.

Auditor will have access to books of accounts and vouchers, not only to those kept at registered office of the company but also to those kept at any other place. Such access shall be available at all times. Also, auditor of a holding company shall have access to the books of all of its subsidiary companies for the purpose of consolidation of financial statements of holding company and its subsidiaries.

CA Preeti Aggarwal


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