
Maths: CA Foundation (Chapter wise weightage)

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on CA Foundation Paper 3: Quantitative Aptitude! Aspiring Chartered Accountants know the importance of mastering every aspect of their syllabus, and understanding the chapter-wise weightage is crucial for effective preparation.

In this blog, CA Preeti Aggarwal shall delve into CA Foundation Maths marks distribution chapter wise

CA Foundation : Maths Weightage – Chapter wise

CA Foundation Paper 3: Quantitative Aptitude (100 Marks)

Part A: Business Mathematics (40 Marks)

TopicChapter nameWeightage
1Chapter 1: Ratio and Proportion, Indices and Logarithms
Chapter 2: Equations and Matrices;
Chapter 3: Linear Inequalities
8 -12 marks
2Chapter 4: Mathematics of Finance12 – 16 marks
3Chapter 5: Permutations and Combinations
Chapter 6: Sequence and Series
Chapter 7: Sets, Relations and Functions, Basics of Limits and Continuity functions 
Chapter 8: Basic Applications of Differential and Integral Calculus in Business and Economics
12 – 20 marks

Part B: Logical Reasoning (20 Marks) 

TopicChapter nameWeightage
1Chapter 9: Number series, coding and decoding and odd man out;
Chapter 10: Direction tests
Chapter 11: Seating Arrangements
8 – 12 marks
2Chapter 12: Blood Relations8 – 12 marks

Part C: Statistics (40 Marks)

TopicChapter nameWeightage
1Chapter 13: Unit I-Statistical representation of data
Unit II: Sampling 
Chapter 14: Measures of central tendency and dispersion
18 – 20 marks
2Chapter 15: Probability
Chapter 16: Theoretical Distribution
10 – 12 marks
3Chapter 17: Correlation and Regression4 – 6 marks
4Chapter 18: Index Numbers4 – 6 marks

Whether you’re starting your journey or looking to reinforce your understanding, join us as we navigate through the realms of CA Foundation, empowering you to conquer every challenge with confidence and precision.

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